Heinrich Wilhelm Johann WILLIGES

Ancestors of Heinrich Wilhelm Johann WILLIGES

                                                /-Ernst Wilhelm WILLIGES
                                      /-Hans Jürgen WILLIGES
                                      |         |                   /-Ernst WILLIGES
                                      |         |         /-Hans Heinrich WILLIGES
                                      |         |         |         |                             /- BOCKELBERG
                                      |         |         |         |                   /-Ernst BOCKELBERG
                                      |         |         |         |         /-Hans BOCKELBERG
                                      |         |         |         |         |         \-Ilse BRACKENHOF
                                      |         |         |         \-Ilsabe BOCKELBERG
                                      |         |         |                   \-Magdalene WALLMANN
                                      |         \-Anna Ilsabey WILLIGES
                                      |                   \-Anna Ilse SURBORG
                            /-Heinrich Wilhelm WILLIGES
                            |         \-Ilse Dorothea HUSTEDT
                  /-Friedrich Wilhelm WILLIGES
                  |         \-Catharine Dorothea LÜPKE
        /-Heinrich August WILLIGES
        |         \-Friederike Marie Dorothea DEGENER
Heinrich Wilhelm Johann WILLIGES
        \-Charlotte Bertha Mathilde Elisabeth SMILGA

Descendants of Heinrich Wilhelm Johann WILLIGES

1 Heinrich Wilhelm Johann WILLIGES
  =Elisabeth Antoinette ALBIEZ  Marriage: 11 SEP 1937, Berlin, Germany

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