Florence Emma FILMER

Ancestors of Florence Emma FILMER

                                                                                        /-Robert FILMER
                                                                              /-John FILMER
                                                                              |         |                             /-John SKEERE
                                                                              |         |                   /-William SKEERE
                                                                              |         |                   |         \-Bennett
                                                                              |         |         /-Henry SKEERE
                                                                              |         |         |         \-Elizabeth
                                                                              |         \-Joane SKEERE
                                                                              |                   \-Mercye
                                                                    /-Jeffery FILMER
                                                                    |         \-Martha JONES
                                                          /-Jeffery FILMER
                                                          |         \-Elizabeth WAKEHAM
                                                /-John FILMER
                                                |         \-Mary DAY
                                      /-John FILMER
                                      |         \-Mary MILLDEN
                            /-John FILMER
                            |         \-Sarah WELLS
                  /-George FILMER
                  |         \-Mary WHITBREAD
        /-James Walter FILMER
        |         \-Catherine Susan PALMER
Florence Emma FILMER
        \-Jessie Ellen BROWN

Descendants of Florence Emma FILMER

1 Florence Emma FILMER
  =Cyril Arthur NORTHCROFT  Marriage: 1912, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
      2 Joyce NORTHCROFT
        =Reginald George ROGERS
        = SIMPSON
      2 Mary Louie NORTHCROFT
        =William J LUDGATER

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